155: Transforming Coaching Programs: Monetize Your Expertise with Profitable Online Courses

155: Transforming Coaching Programs: Monetize Your Expertise with Profitable Online Courses

In this episode of the Course Creator's MBA Podcast, Dr. Destini Copp interviews Myrra Kate, an online course creator and strategist. Myrra shares her journey of monetizing her blog through online courses and explains how she helps female coaches, experts, and service-based entrepreneurs transform their coaching programs into profitable self-paced courses.

They discuss the benefits of creating online courses, including generating passive income and reaching a larger audience. Myrra also offers valuable insights on when and how coaches can consider adding online courses to their business portfolio. Don't miss this episode if you want to learn how to make a bigger income and impact through online courses!

Transforming Coaching Programs into Profitable Online Courses: Insights from Myrra Kate

In today's episode of the Course Creator's MBA Podcast, Dr. Destini Copp interviews Myrra Kate, an online course creator, strategist, and kingdom-driven entrepreneur. Myrra is on a mission to help female coaches, experts, and service-based entrepreneurs leverage their passions, expertise, and skills to create profitable and transformative online courses. As an authority in her field, Myrra has been recognized in Yahoo Finance's list of top 10 course experts to watch out for. In this engaging conversation, Myrra unveils the reasons why coaches, consultants, and experts should consider creating online courses as a means to generate passive income and make a greater impact.

Background Story: From Blogger to Online Course Creator

Myrra's journey into the world of online course creation began as a blogger who successfully monetized her blog through online courses. As people started approaching her for advice on monetization, she discovered her passion for sharing knowledge and transforming lives through the creation of online courses.

The Benefits of Creating Online Courses for Coaches and Experts

Online courses present a unique opportunity for coaches, consultants, and experts to diversify their income streams and scale their impact. Myrra emphasizes the advantages of generating passive income by breaking free from trading time for money. Unlike one-on-one coaching or hourly services, online courses allow for scalability, reaching a larger audience, and serving more people simultaneously. Additionally, creating online courses offers flexibility, allowing individuals to reclaim their time and strike a better work-life balance.

The Ideal Candidates for Online Course Creation

Dr. Destini delves deeper into identifying who would benefit most from creating online courses. Myrra highlights coaches, consultants, and experts who are already strapped for time due to an overwhelming number of coaching clients. Those who find themselves constantly booked and unable to prioritize other aspects of their life or business should strongly consider creating online courses. By doing so, they can reduce their time commitment, generate passive income, and gain more control over their schedules.

Overcoming Obstacles in Course Creation

One of the biggest challenges faced by busy coaches and entrepreneurs in creating online courses is finding the time to do so. Myrra suggests simplifying the course creation process and avoiding the trap of overanalyzing every detail, which may lead to procrastination and feeling stuck. Time management techniques like time blocking and leveraging AI tools, such as chat GPT for brainstorming course ideas, can make the process more manageable and less overwhelming.


Myrra Kate's expertise in online course creation and her dedication to empowering coaches, consultants, and experts shines through in this episode. The conversation with Dr. Destini Copp offers valuable insights into the potential of transforming coaching programs into profitable self-paced online courses. By following Myrra's advice on simplifying the course creation process and optimizing time management, coaches and experts can build scalable income streams, serve more individuals, and reclaim their most valuable asset – time. If you're a coach or consultant seeking to make a greater impact through passive income, this episode is a must-listen.

Remember to tune in to the Course Creator's MBA Podcast for more captivating discussions on online course creation and strategies for success.

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155: Transforming Coaching Programs: Monetize Your Expertise with Profitable Online Courses


Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:03]:

And my special guest today is Myrra Kate. Myrra is an online course creator and strategist. She's an author and a kingdom driven entrepreneur. She helps female coaches, experts, and service based entrepreneurs package their god given passions, expertise, and skills into a profitable and transformational online course so they can make bigger income and impact. She's featured in Yahoo Finance as one of the top 10 course experts to watch out for. Mara, I am super excited to jump into this topic and chat with you. And today, we're gonna be talking about transforming your coaching program into our profitable self paced course so you can make passive income. But before we get into all the questions I have for you, can you tell the audience just a little bit more about you and how you help people.

Myrra Kate [00:01:11]:

Yeah. So for sure, thank you again, Destini, for this wonderful opportunity, and hello, everyone, to everyone who's listening. I'm, again, Myrra Kay has Destini introduced And, really, my mission is to, my business's mission as well is to multiply is to help people multiply their income and impact. through creating online courses that really is profitable and would transform lives.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:01:39]:

So tell us a little bit about how you got started, Mara. How what what made you get into this?

Myrra Kate [00:01:46]:

Oh, that's a really long story, but the actual, like, short story of this, is that I started out as a blogger and I was able to, monetize my blog at that time a few years back through online courses And since then, people started to, ask me, you know, how do you do how do you monetize your blog? How do you, you know, monetize your expertise and whatnot. And I truly realize that, you know, online courses are one of the things that I'm truly passionate about because it's one of the amazing ways for you to be able to, you know, share whatever you have, like your expertise, your your background, your life lessons, and be able to help other people who may be struggling with the same things you struggled with before. And so, yeah, I transitioned since then I transitioned into, becoming an online course creator and strategist and, knack. That's the short story.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:02:49]:

Well, I love that. I love that. So today, you're you primarily work in helping, like, coaches and consultants and experts take the knowledge that they have and create in in, you know, take the knowledge they have and create an online course help people, you know, that way, which is a little bit different than, you know, maybe group coaching or one on one services or consulting services, can you tell us why somebody like a coach or consultant or an expert out there should consider creating an online course. Like, who who's really a good fit for it?

Myrra Kate [00:03:30]:

For sure. Yeah. So online courses is a really great way to generate passive income stream. You know, that's like an income stream that's not just, like, you have to trade your time for money and you're in your earning potential is limited. you know, the income ceiling is, something that a lot of coaches, business owners, or service providers face as well in the entrepreneurship journey just because, you know, when you have these coaching programs or when you serve people on a one on one or hourly or session based basis, it's just that we can only serve a limited number of people. Every time, you know, we open those programs or those, you know, sessions, which also means that our income becomes capped by the limited amount of time that's available to us. Like, let's just let's just be honest. All of us here have 24 hours. Right? I don't know who else will have, different time. and so that's why for me personally, online courses are a great way to not just make more income, but also to be able to serve more people. and earn more with less time investment. Because honestly, time is even more valuable personally for me, because it's something that we can never get back. Money is something that we, you know, if we lose it, we could try to work hard again, hustle hard again, or, or open another business or whatnot just so we can get it back or save more. But time, once we have lost it, once we have, you know, once we are past the, I've heard this from a client of mine before where she said it's really valuable for her to see how her child grows up and be with her child at that, you know, point in her time, and that's why for her, it was very important to have this kind of income stream that's scalable and is less time dependent.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:34]:

So let's drill down on this a little bit. Let's say that there's a coach out there and she right now has coaching clients that she's working with. At what point in her business should she consider creating an online course? or maybe adding that revenue stream to her portfolio or even replacing some of her coaching services with a 1 on 1 course or with, I should say, with a self paced course.

Myrra Kate [00:06:05]:

Yeah. so for those, coaches who are who find themselves lacking time, to be able to do the things that matter to them. So let's say they are always just filled with, like, one on one client calls, every single day, like all day in front of their laptop working, don't have any other time to work on, I mean, spend time with their family or do what they love or, you know, it's taking toll on their mental health and well-being. when it's at that level, it should be like that person should consider, having, you know, these income streams that are not really going to depend just solely on their time. Yeah.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:06:54]:

So let let's you know, we're gonna we're gonna break this down and make it really real for folks. So let's say they're at that point, their calendar is booked So they're, you know, they're swamped as they're swamped as it is. Do they have the time to even create a course or what other steps that you suggest they should take to start going down that path to create this revenue generating asset to help them, you know, free up some of the time in their business. What what are the next steps there?

Myrra Kate [00:07:29]:

Yeah. Honestly, that's really one of the biggest struggles that I, hear from, you know, busy cultures. We're talking about, busy entrepreneurs who are fully booked when, obviously, we want that. We're not against that. Right? but We also, just want them. I mean, they do not have time to work on their course anymore. So mostly they just procrastinate. And if it's like the cycle of their fully booked or they're trading their time for money, they know they need to create a course, but they don't find time to create the course. So they just keep going on and on that cycle and they don't actually get out of it. Right? So one of the biggest things to realize is that creating a course can be simple especially if we make it simple. Sometimes, honestly, in our minds, we try to over analyze the process of course creation. And I know there's a lot to it. And if we are going to be, let's say, a perfectionist, or we are going to to, analyze every single thing, like, the recording, the slides design, and all of that. then really what's usually gonna happen is that we may be stuck. Right? We may find ourselves stuck in the first creation process, and I honestly can't relate to this. No judgment if the listeners find themselves, you know, in this experience or in this moment because I have experienced that myself before, and some of my clients were in that same position, which is why, they reached out to me And so the steps that I usually suggest, for them is that either they, they try to really simplify the course creation process and manage their time well, like, really prioritize, time for the 1st creation. Like, let's just say you know, time blocking is a great strategy. Let's say, you know, 1 hour every day or if that's not doable, maybe at least 2, 3 hours every week, whatever time that is. Maybe when the kids are sleeping or when the kids are at school or, you know, in between, client calls, things like that. and then using, you know, tools to make it easier such as, AI. Right? Like, for example, chat GPT when it comes to brainstorming course ideas or trying to, summarizing the course lessons when you're trying to set it up on the platform, things like that would be able to save them time and make the horse creation process at least a little bit easier for them. And another option is to outsource. Right? So if they really just are at that point where they're like, I can't be bothered learning about, course creation. I just wanna be able to record, click hit record in front of the camera or, you know, in front of your laptop, if you're using slides and records, and just hit record That's it. That's the only thing I wanna do besides launching the course and, you know, selling it to my, audience. And if that's the case for you, then outsourcing may be a great way for you to streamline the entire process and shorten the turnaround time. you know, because if you're going to hire a course creation expert, a course creator who is experienced at this, then Obviously, they will be able to execute those tasks much more quickly because let's be honest. There's also a lot of tasks I know Destini, you can attest to this. There's a lot of tasks in creating a course as well. Right? So that's the course set up. Of course, curriculum design, the slides design, all of those things, you know. so I know it can get overwhelming at that. So Yeah. Did did I answer your question, Destini?

Dr. Destini Copp [00:11:36]:

Well, yes. Absolutely. And I wanted to kinda go back to a couple of things that you said because I think it can really help folks I do think that there are, like, for instance, for the course lessons, there are templates out there that you can purchase. So you're not having to start from scratch, which is super, super helpful. Right? I mean, that's one one of the things you can do, but I have absolutely love. And I'll talk about my personal experience here because I think it helped people absolutely love chat GPT. It is it is really honestly changed my course creation process. And I've created, you know, 3 different courses in the past few weeks, and I went to chat GPT and said, here's what I'm thinking about. what angle should I consider? You know, we went through the outline and had it helped me create the outline, then it went through and helped me create the course content for the course lessons slides, so I wasn't starting from scratch. And then I had it help me create the speaker notes for the course lessons. So it was super, super beneficial. So I'm so glad that you brought that up. And, of course, I agree with you, Mara. If somebody just is like, you know what? I'm too busy. I can't even begin to do any of that. I think outsourcing is a great option for them. Now, Mara, any last minute tips for the coaches or the consultants or the experts out there who are like, you know what? I absolutely need to put this on my calendar as a to do to do item. What would you suggest they do?

Myrra Kate [00:13:17]:

1st and foremost, I think it will be great if they can structure, you know, their content. sometimes it can get as experts, you know, it it can get hard or difficult for us to kind of summarize everything in one goal where we are able to teach it to people, you know, in coaching sessions, there are lots of things that we talk about But in creating these self paced courses, make sure that your course lessons are essentially bite sized and not too overwhelming for the students to go through just so, you know, you have more chances of getting higher completion rate. that's one of the things that I highlight and I talk more about with my clients. And another another tip is to also just, have, like, enhance the learning experience. I know that coaching programs provide individualized guidance for feedback, all of those things, and it might seem impossible at this point for you, for coaches to think that Oh, no. Like, if this is a self paced course, it's not going to be as transformational as my coaching program. But really, there are ways to deliver your course content in a way that it can still be transformational by adding, you know, practical examples, interactive exercises self reflection opportunities, actionable assignments or, you know, progress tracking, all of those things. And I hope I'm not sounding to, like, I'm not, like, making it too over complicated in your mind right now to the listeners. but yeah, it's definitely great to incorporate those just so your self paced force will be as transformational as programs because I definitely know that sometimes coaches and consultants are kind of hesitant when it comes to creating these self paced courses because they think it's much more. It's it's better to just do it, like, one on 1, every single time. But, yeah, there's a way to serve more people and earn more, with less time investments. And I truly believe that online courses is a great way to do that.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:15:33]:

And I love the tip that you gave us about the bite size lessons. And I generally recommend no more than 10 minutes try to get even close to 5 minutes if you can. So very short lessons. What you don't wanna do is have you know, an hour long.

Myrra Kate [00:15:51]:

An hour long. Yeah.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:15:52]:

Yeah. But nobody's gonna nobody's gonna sit down and and listen or watch that. Right?

Myrra Kate [00:15:56]:

You know, I've experienced that. that that's that's why I I essentially don't want to I don't want people to do that.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:16:05]:

Yeah. It it absolutely just doesn't work, but I also like the suggestion that you had in there in adding all of those practical examples and those actionable assignments just to really engage the the learner there. So that was some great tips. Now, Mar, how can people find you? And I believe you have a free gift for them also.

Myrra Kate [00:16:29]:

Yes. For sure. I love free gifts myself. And for the listeners here, if I have a free gift titled, road here for success guide, this is a PDF guide where I talk about how my client was able to, create additional 15,000 plus in her business just with the course that we created together and some of the ideas for you to be able to scale your business through online courses. And if you want this free gift, if you want to learn through this p d PDF guide, then make sure to go to myrokee.com forward slash case study to download that. And also to find me, reach out to me if you have, you know, additional questions whatnot or if you just wanna read about, you know, courses that are not really that good. And you just wanna out with me, you can definitely reach out to me on instagram. It's at mkforce creator and also check out, my services if you need them as well on, myrick.com. So, yeah? And, Mara, we'll make sure that all of

Dr. Destini Copp [00:17:36]:

those links from the show notes so people can find you very easily. And thank you so much for joining me today and sharing all of your wonderful knowledge with us.

Myrra Kate [00:17:46]:

Thank you so much as well, Destini, and thank you to everyone who listen right now. I hope you have found value from this podcast episode.


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