123: 3 Different Ways to Use a Quiz to Grow and Nurture Your Audience

The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast Episode #123: 3 Different Ways to Use a Quiz to Grow and Nurture Your Audience on The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast

In this episode of The Course Creator's MBA Podcast, I chat with Jackie who is the Growth Manager at Interact about growing and segmenting your email list using a quiz.

We all want to grow our email list with our ideal customers and using a quiz as a lead magnet is a great way to not only attract the right people, but you can ask them questions in your quiz that allows you to segment your list and send them personalized information so they can take action right away.

In the episode, we talk about different ways you can use a quiz to nurture your audience that go beyond using quizzes as a lead magnet. Hint: quizzes are perfect for business owners who have online courses or memberships!

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The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast Episode #123: 3 Different Ways to Use a Quiz to Grow and Nurture Your Audience on The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast


And today my special guest is Jackie Agulia. Jackie is the Growth Manager at Interact, and at Interact's and their mission is to empower digital entrepreneurs, creators, and brands to grow their businesses through empathetic, listening, deeper understanding, and a true connection at a human level. And Jackie, thank you so much for joining me. I'm very interested in chatting with you today and talking about growing and segmenting your email list using a quiz. Yeah, thank you so much for having me, Destini.

I love to have this conversation. Whether anyone out there listening is brand new and just starting to grow their email list or has an email list already and wants to grow it further, maybe get the right people on there or segment it, which is pretty exciting. So I won't give it all away with segmentation. I know we'll get into that as we go. Yeah.

So we're going to go ahead and jump right into the topic here. And I know that everybody listening here. Everybody listening here. They already know how important it is to have an email list and to grow your email list. And one of these struggles that they have, and I think all of us can probably relate to this, is actually growing our email list and finding our ideal customers and having them sign up for our email list.

So do you have any tips there in using a quiz and attracting the right people to our email list? Yeah, one of my favorite stats is for first time website visitors. So somebody who's just going on to your site for the first time, let's just say like your typical lead magnet, maybe that's an ebook or a guide or just simply a form to subscribe to a newsletter gets about 1% conversion. So, again, that's from people who are visiting your site for the first time. If you had a quiz on your website as the lead magnet, so your opt in would be the quiz.

You can see conversion up to 40% or higher. So simply by adding a quiz to your website that's on topic about something that someone in your audience would want to know about, or maybe it's the answer to a specific question that they're always asking you. You can expect to grow your email list by quite a bit simply by engaging them through a quiz rather than using that standard PDF, three B, downloadable lead magnet that you might be used to or that might be on your site right now. I had no idea that the difference was so, I mean, 1% versus 40%, that's huge, right? So do you think it's because quizzes are so much more fun or you're really getting to a specific question that they have or solving something for them right away?

Yeah, it's a little bit of both. I mean, it requires engagement from your audience because they have to click through and answer these quiz questions. It gives them an opportunity to talk about themselves, learn a little bit more about themselves, which we're all really into talking about ourselves and learning and growing personally. You're able to do that with the quiz. You're also able to ask different questions.

And you don't have to do this with the quiz, but you are able to ask specific questions that could lead someone down a different path, maybe as it relates to your offerings, maybe that's asking different questions within the quiz. But you can really get so much more specific to what it is that your audience, or like this particular person in your audience is looking for that it makes it that much more engaging because it doesn't feel like a one size fits all solution that might not work for them. It really is a customized approach based on what they're telling you from the quiz on how to achieve a certain goal or what that answers to that question that they're wanting to know. And then also with quizzes, you can use them as a way to sort of start a conversation online with somebody. And this all happens before you even ask for their email.

So they get into the quiz. It's aligned with the topic that they want to know more about. They're answering your questions after they complete the quiz. That's when they're prompted with the opt in, so that you can make that optional or you can make it required. That's where your lead would put in their email address and their first name or whatever else you want to collect and then you get that personalized result.

So simply by asking a series of questions before you're even trying to get information from them can really help it to feel like a personalized conversation too. Always that can drive engagement with your leads, where your lead magnet freebie download form can't do the same things. And I love that, asking them questions and then sending them personalized information based on their responses. So let's talk a little bit about segmentation. Either somebody when they first come on to your email list, or maybe when you might be a more established business owner with a larger list that you feel like it's gotten a little bit out of control.

And I can tell you I can probably follow this category. I have a lot of people that I don't feel like I've segmented that well. They have different needs. Can you talk a little bit about segmentation and how we can do that with a quiz? Yeah.

So just for anybody out there who's curious about segmentation or what it even is, simply put, it's a way for you to tag leads on your email list with things that you know about them. So with a quiz you could tag that lead with the result that they're getting. So maybe the result tells you if they're a beginner on this journey that you're going to help them with, or more of an expert, or how long they've been attempting to get better at this thing. You could segment based on the results someone is getting so that you understand where they're at. Maybe the result is telling them a certain strength or weakness about themselves.

It gets you really clear on who this person is and what they might need or what offerings you have that could help them to move along to the next step in whatever they're trying to accomplish. Another really cool thing that you can do with quizzes, specifically an interactive quiz, is you can also segment your leads based on the way they're answering a certain question within your quiz. We've seen this done before with budgetary questions. So are you willing to spend money on yourself, on your self care, on learning something new about this specific topic? It could be what things have you tried in the past?

How did you feel about those things in the past? Did they help? Did they not? And then again, you'd be able to tag your leads based on the way they're answering these specific things so that you can address what they're saying in your email follow ups. So let's just say that somebody wants to get started and they're thinking about using a quiz as a link magnet to attract the right people to their email list and also segment them so they can send them very personalized information.

How would they get started? Yeah, so I would say with Interact, you can pop on over to our website, you are able to start a free trial. So you can go right into the tool. Interact has hundreds of templates that are ready to go that you could use as is, or you can tweak them to really match your brand style, your voice, your offerings, all of that. And then you can publish that quiz so people can start taking it.

We also have, if you're really stumped on, okay, this sounds like a good idea, but what do I even make this quiz about? And none of the templates are giving you ideas or aligning with what you want your quiz topic to be on or whatever your business is about to right. Then you can start with our quiz course. And so the Quiz course is free. You don't have to be a customer to use it, but in that it goes part by part, step by step of how we suggest to make a quiz.

And what we suggest for everybody is starting with your market research. So diving in a little bit more to figure out, okay, what topics really align with my people? What are their most common questions, what do they really need help with the most so that you can create a quiz that aligns with something that they're already thinking or that they're already wanting to know? Because that's going to call in the right people. It's your ideal customer to get onto your email list, which I know we're all trying to grow email list, but you probably want to grow that list filled with people who are engaged, who want to work with you, who are interested in what you have to say and the offerings that you share with them.

So once you're clear go ahead. No, you go ahead. I was just going to say. Once you're clear on the market. Research who you want to get this quiz in front of what you want to tell them.

Then the quiz course goes into the different results that somebody might get from your quiz. Will help talk through what those results are. What you might want to tell those people. So that you can really build yourself up as an authority and give those people value up front. Again, this might be before they give you their email address, especially if you're making that quiz opt in optional, and then from there, asking questions, connecting the tech, all of that.

So the quiz course really, from start to finish, will tell you or help you get to a good enough quiz to launch. And when I say good enough, I mean done is better than perfect. And so if you use a template just to get it out there and see how your audience reacts, or you put the first version of your quiz out there, you're able to use your quiz analytics to really optimize it and make changes to perfect what it is that your people are looking for. And I can attest to all the templates that you guys have. There's a wide variety and it covers a lot of different niches there.

So let me ask you this. Let's just say you have an existing audience that you want to use to segment your email list. Could they use one of the templates to do that too? Yes. So when you log into your Interact account, when you go to create a new quiz, you're prompted with starting with a template or starting from scratch.

Now, if you choose the template route, which I'm a huge fan of, especially if you're just creating your first quiz, they're all organized, the templates are all organized by industry, so you can select one industry or a few industries that relate and then take a look at those templates to see what you think your audience would most want to take. And actually, that could be a fun quiz in itself of hey guys, I'm making you this quiz. I want to make sure that it's something that you really want to take. Which quiz would you be most interested in taking? And maybe you list out a couple of title ideas that you have, or a couple of title ideas from the template and get buy in on who wants to take these different types of quizzes.

And that could be a way to grow your email list just by asking what kind of quiz they want. Because you could say, hey, give me your email and once this quiz is created, I'll be sure to send it right over. I'd love to hear about some customer case studies, ones that you guys that people are doing today with the quizzes and how they're going. I know I'm probably putting you on the spot a little bit, but do you have any that you can kind of walk us through as examples? Yeah, for sure.

So you are putting me on the spot in terms of results, but we. Do have no results. I'm just looking for examples of how people are using the quizzes. Yeah, for sure. So we call it the Quiz Collective.

It is our community group filled with quiz makers so that we can strategize together, brainstorm ideas and give each other feedback. So I guess I'll say a very popular style quiz for any healthy entrepreneurs, the people who are working in healthcare, in the health industry.

Actually, you know what, Justin, can we cut that out? I'm going to really quick pull up. Yeah, hold on 1 second, I'm just going to pause it.

So Jackie, I don't want to put you on the spot here, but I would love to hear about some case studies of current interactions and how they're using quizzes today. Yeah, so we've got lots of course creators as interactive customers and what they'll use a quiz for is to evaluate where somebody is at or maybe gaps in their knowledge so they can point them to the right course that they have. If you're not running courses, maybe that relates to your overall offerings. So of all the offerings that you have, which one is best for specific people on your list? So they're using a quiz to figure that out and then in an email sequence follow up, they can get, again, really specific based on what this person told them in the quiz to tell them why they should take this next step with you.

This offering is going to be the right fit because another great example I think is like using a quiz as a survey or a follow up. So let's say you put someone through your course or maybe they recently completed coaching with you. You could send a quiz out as a follow up to get some information on how it went, what they learned, if there was anything missing in the training or in the learning so that you could add that back in for future customers and maybe you could then point them to the next step. So hey, this course worked out really well. Maybe the next thing you want to try is this other offering that you have or hey, you just reached your goal, let's celebrate this huge milestone.

Or you didn't quite hit the goal yet, but let's take a step back and get you to where you need to be based on what they've told you in the quiz and then interact. I've actually created a quiz for our community group called the Quiz Collective. And what we use for that is, I guess it's sort of like a survey slash follow up checking in on where people are at. But what this quiz specifically does is put someone in the space of the community that they need based on what they've told us in the quiz. So, again, if they're feeling stuck, if they have specific questions, if it's time to celebrate a certain milestone, here's the space in the community that you can share that so that people, first of all, want to share it.

They don't feel like they're sharing in the wrong space. But again, you're sort of putting them with like minded people or people in a similar situation to them by segmenting leads down and giving them the right offering, the right course, the right community space to share where they're at. I love all of those examples, and I'll just add a couple of my own that have how I've used interact in the past that I think was very helpful for my audience. One of them was when we did the Scale your business summit. In those virtual summits, they're four to five days, and there's a lot of presentations and people it's a lot for people to go through and watch all those presentations in such a short amount of time.

So what we did, we created a quiz to kind of hone in on what presentations would be most beneficial to them. So that was one of the ways that we used a quiz a few years ago when I was a Facebook and Instagram as a consultant, I don't do it anymore, but this is a quiz I had several years ago. And the title of the quiz. Are you or your business ready for Facebook ads? And then based on the questions I kind of walked in through, no, you're not quite ready yet, or yes, you are.

You're ready to go. And if you want to work with me, here's what you can do. Here's your next steps. So those are some other examples of quizzes. And I know that people are also using them as lead magnets that we talked about before putting them on the front page of their website to gain leads.

And I know when I was a Facebook and Instagram ads consultant, I've had clients who are using quizzes in their Facebook ads, and they converted very well. So those are just some examples. Yeah, with Facebook ads particularly, you can create lookalike audiences using conversion ads, so people who will actually take the quiz and then take action. So we've seen really great results when people run ads directly to their quiz as a call to action, both to grow your list, but then also to sell some of the offerings that you have, because that's probably who you're filling your list with, people who would want to buy product services offerings from you. So, Jackie, if somebody wants to test it out and just play around with it and go in to see if this would work for them and their business.

How do they get started? Yeah, like I said before, if you sign up for a free trial, you'll get the account for 14 days. You won't have to pay a thing, and you'll get access to all the features within the tool so you can really play around with what it includes, what your quiz could look like. You'll see all the templates that are in there. Again, there might be a quiz that's already written for you, ready to go using one of the templates.

And when you do sign up for a free trial, you'll also be invited to speak with a team member at Interact for a 15 minutes strategy call. And you can use that time to get clear on your quiz topic, maybe ask some technical questions as it relates to using the builder or setting up the quiz with your email marketing system, anything like that to get you on the right path to get your quiz created. Because Interact has really been developing a lot of different resources and avenues of support to make it easier for you to create and optimize your quiz. So Jackie, where can people find you? Maybe they want to connect with you on Instagram or go to the website.

Can you tell us what your handle is for that? Yeah, so our website is Tryintract.com. We are tryintract on Instagram as well. And then also look for us on YouTube because we have a lot of, yeah, I guess tutorial videos, but a lot more videos too that go into the strategy, which I think is the hardest part about making your quiz. A lot of people have a lot of really great ideas on what the quiz could look like, but when it comes to implementing it, that's where sort of the overwhelming and the burnout and the perfectionism can get in the way.

And so you can get inspiration video tutorials on YouTube, Instagram, and if you're ready for that 15 minutes strategy call, go to Try and Track.com and I. Will make sure that all of those links are in the show notes so people can click on that and find you. And Jackie, thank you so much for joining me. Enjoyed our conversation. And you know what?

I think I'm going to go back and do another quiz. I can't wait to take it. Destini, thank you so much for having me. Thank you. Bye.


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